Saturday, June 4, 2011

It's official ... The first day of Kamp!

For 86 summers K-1 has anxiously awaited this day, the first day of summer, and now it's here. Many people have come through the gates during that time and our directors, Kris and Diane Cooper, have been here for so many opening days. They wanted to let you all know just what this day has meant and means to them still ...



The little Whipper Snappers have finally arrived and I can’t begin to tell how excited I am for that. Opening Day at Kamp is one of the most highly anticipated days of the year for me. I’ve been counting down the days (234 to be exact) since life evaporated from Kamp last summer, and today – YES TODAY – today life has been breathed back into Kamp. The smells, the sounds, the excitement, the relationships, the fun, the adventure, the presence of the Creator and His miraculous creation. Oh my goodness – I’m the most blessed man alive! You would think that after 30 some years of opening days, some of the zest would have worn off. But let me tell you, Opening Day at K-1 is my favorite place on earth to be TODAY!


As a past kamper the memories of opening day hold dear to my heart ... shopping with mom, packing the trunk, the excitement of meeting new friends, the joy of meeting up with old friends, knowing that Kamp pulled me closer to God ... I was going to Kamp!!!

As a director my heart is overflowing with the joy and excitement of knowing that today the kids are coming! I love this day because I, as a director, want to help make K-1 the place where dreams come true. Where gals can come to Kamp, find those new friends, play hard, be mentored by Godly counselors and grow in their relationship with Christ. I love my job! Basically I get to be "mom" for a Kamp full of girls! I love it!

Let the gates open - the arms are ready ... The kids are coming!!!

Share your opening day memories.